Thursday, December 23, 2010

If you're still reading

It's pretty awesome.

Who could imagine?

Every time that you give any information to ANYONE on the internet someone is either making money or someone can make money with that information.

and this is all because businesses are finally starting to realize the enormous opportunity to target their exact client the

  • person making 45-47K
  • male
  • overweight
  • single
  • recently divorced
  • chocolate lover
  • small dog lover
  • 2 children
  • etc, etc, etc
It's crazy.


We need to be looking for:

The Next Big Thing

and if we find it the reality is that we should be looking for

The Next Next big thing

(because the first thing is no longer viable)

We should be probing, testing, responding.

Here is one that I found:

If you're careful for $30 they'll send you a book and a bunch of DVDs on ways to make money that will alter your reality of how money is made on the internet. Make sure that you DON'T click the check box over the order form. If you check it they'll charge you another $9.95 for shipping.

Click HERE

Tieing it all together (or up in knots)


Life is moving and you've missed it. You realize that your job/career/thing to do while your trust fund loses value is no longer there (Check out "Someone Moved my Cheese") and you've got to do something to

  • Create money
  • Save money
  • Find something more interesting
  • Find something more fulfilling
  • ANYTHING else (you are really bored)

You start to look around. Remember that old adage:

 "if something seems too good to be true it probably is?"

Well, we don't have the luxury of that anymore.

We have to be searching, looking, trying, experimenting...... begging..

what happened next?

I know everyone has been listening with bated breath and need to know what happened next and my am I bothering to share it?


After all of this I have grown a litte wiser and I've started to realize that the world is moving REALLY fast. I mean so fast that unless you've got your ear to the grownd you're going to miss your job or your life RADICALLY altering. Sometimes if your ear is to the ground you'll find out that you've been run over.

A little about me

I'm went to a college to perform music. Halfway through I found that everyone was as good as me or better and found that I preferred the technical side of music. I graduated after taking every course they offered and found a job after five years of school interning at a recording studio for FREE.

My job qualifications for that gig?

I could paint. They needed one of their studios painted.

I worked for free for a year.

I worked for minimum wage for a year and....

landed an assistant engineering job with Earth, Wind and Fire.

Worked for another year on one record during my first year of marriage. My wife never saw me that year....

A few months ago I find out that I can get a platinum album for my wall AFTER I've recreated my positions many times over.

Kind of funny